About Jane McConnell
A look back
From Nebraska to Provence

Leading up to today
Over 20 years front line advising
I have over 20 years of experience of front line advising on internal digital strategies for a wide range of organizations: industrial, retail, service, energy and transport, as well as United Nations agencies including the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the UN Peacekeeping Operations. This strategic work was focused on people, behaviors and leadership.
14 years of research, grounding my client work
See the big picture here: from organization to individual
The Organization in the Digital Age, an amazing 10 years: Data and analysis from over 300 organizations around the world, every year, from 2006 through 2016. Read about the research and the Foundational Framework here: Organization in the Digital Age
Then a surprising 4 year phase with the gig mindset in 300 to 400 organizations in 2018 and 2021 (pre and post pandemic). See The Gig Mindset in 2021 – You and Your Organization and download the pdf.
The Gig Mindset Advantage, A Bold New Breed

Today is the future
Video-podcast Imaginize World
What kind of world do we want for our young generations?
How can we help them build it?
In Imaginize.World, we talk with forward thinkers, social activists, scifi visionaries, and pioneering organizations Read about all the guests here.
How do we see 2043? Research

Membership in future-oriented organizations

I have also joined the Mars Society, the world’s largest and most influential space advocacy organization dedicated to the human exploration and settlement of the planet Mars.
Writing in professional journals

How Workers with a “Gig Mindset” Can Help Your Company Thrive
The Company Cultures That Help (or Hinder) Digital Transformation
Tracking the Trends in Bringing Our Own Devices to Work

Webinar: Don’t Let Politics Block Your Digital Initiatives
Bold New Breed Podcast
For and about gig mindsetters

Gig Mindset in India
A month-long learning initiative

Over 21,000 views!

Aiden McCullen & “The Innovation Show”

Graduation talk for MBA

Talk at Alumni Career Centre

My first book, in 1996

The first book in French about internet for non-technical people. In English “The internet edge for companies”. It sold out fast!
Some video interviews of me over the years.
Profiles in Knowledge
An overview of me in Stan Garfield’s knowledge series.