My latest research has been integrated into the online learning course – Leading in the Digital Age, part of edX courses organized by leading universities in the US. This specific course is organized by Boston University, and they wrote me the thank you note below.
“Thank you very much for all your research and writing keeping us up to date on the Digital Age. As you may know, we are completing a edX course on “Leading in the Digital Age”. We are interested in helping our participants develop the needed skills for the Digital Age:
- Leading Beyond the Edge
- Developing Deep Trust Relationships
- Forming and Leading Virtual Teams
- Collaborating and Co-Creating
- Learning Dynamically
Your research and writing provide the perfect background for why these skills are so important. By reading the summary they will not only be able to understand the foundation that is required to be successful in the Organization in the Digital Age, but will have a link to your ongoing research, writing and concepts. As you note, “Digital and Organizational transformation is a journey, not a quantifiable destination”. A concept that helps summarize the importance of continuing to learn, adapt, innovate and transform. Your summary and research make that point superbly and set the foundation for developing the needed leadership capabilities. We look forward to your future research, writing and thoughts. And will be linking our global participants into your work.”
“Thanks again for all the work. It is great to find people of like mind.”
Lloyd, Darrell, Kristen, Sandi, Josh and all the “Leading in the Digital Age” team.