My talks are thought-provoking and trigger new ways of thinking.
My private briefings to management are grounded in data from my 12 years of research as well as stories and examples from over 20 years of working with global organizations. I help management envisage how they can define actionable strategies and mobilize their organization.
First in Australia
Going way back, I had the privilege of keynoting the first intranet/digital workplace conference in Australia in 2011.
First in Poland
The same year, I also opened the first European IC and Intranet Meeting in Warsaw, Poland. You can see my interview below.
Since then…
Rencontre Internationale Digital Workplace, Paris, 2019
Intranet Reloaded, Berlin, 2018
Enterprise Digital Summit, London, 2018
IOM Zurich, 2017
Enterprise Digital, Paris, 2017
Rencontre de responsables digital, Paris, Conference Chair annually for 10 years: 2008-2018
Enterprise Digital, Paris, 2016
Congresintranet, Utrecht,2015
Enterprise 2.0 Summit, Paris, February 2015
IOM, Cologne, 24 – 25 September 2014
Intranet Reloaded, Berlin, April, 2014 Advisory Board, World Café
Morning work session on the Digital Workplace, Geneva, April, 2014
The Digital Workplace: Trends and Practices, E-cercle, Paris, March, 2014
IntraTeam Event, Copenhagen, February, 2014
European Enterprise 2.0 Summit, Paris, 11 – 12 February, 2014
Private briefings and thinking-partner workshops
Global consumer goods organization, France
Key player in the financial transactions industry, France
Global industrial company in a merger context, US & France
International textile company in Europe
Global manufacturing company in Germany
Executive Round Table organized by the Peter Drucker Forum Europe, the Harvard Business Review and Roland Berger, Munich
Major French bank and insurance group, France
Government infrastructure agency, Europe
Global chemical company, Germany
Global technology company, Stockholm
Global construction company, Paris
Nuclear safety government agency, Europe
Leading luxury brands group, Europe