The Organization in the Digital Age – 10 years of research
The research started in 2006 with annual surveys and reports. The focus was on the internal digital work environment with a 2.0 social dimension, then evolved to a digital workplace scope, and, as of 2014, focused on the organization in the digital age – emphasizing leadership, mindset and work cultures.
Approximately 300 participating organizations around the world answered over 100 questions each year.
Then the Gig Mindset emerged – another 4 years of research
As of 2017, the data showed the emergence of a new mindset, the individual inside the organization who dared to do things differently.
This led to an additional 4 years of investigation of what I call “the gig mindset” inside organizations. You can read about it on Netjmc: research over 14 years from organization to individual. (link and in my book The Gig Mindset Advantage, A Bold New Breed of Employee.
Note: This website focuses on the first 10 years – The Organization in the Digital Age