…… Part of The Basics series. First published in August 2016 ……
The 2016 research involved 311 people from 27 countries. One of the first observations is that implementing fundamentally new business models is clearly on the back burner, as organizations are focusing on what needs to be improved today. Surprised?

The survey looked at 9 potential goals for digital transformation initiatives and asked participants to indicate which ones were primary, secondary or not relevant.
• Increase efficiency and improving existing business models and procedures were at the top of the list. Improving customer experience followed closely. (updated)
• Implementing fundamentally new business models is clearly on the back burner, as organizations are focusing on what needs to be improved today. (no change)
• Building and strengthening the digital mindset and culture, is 4th from the bottom, a sign that it is still not forefront in people’s minds. (updated)
• Note that improving the customer experience is higher than improving the employee experience. That’s not new: external has taken priority over internal in terms of budget and resources for many years! At least the difference is minor, only 10 percentage points. (no change)
• Another surprising result is the low positioning of “support talent management and recruitment”. It looks like most companies don’t yet feel that digital maturity is a key factor for attracting and building a skillful workforce. (no change)
The last point reflects a short-sighted perspective. What do you think? How important is digital maturity to job candidates?
Even HR people rate “support talent management and recruitment” as the lowest goal of digital transformation.